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how to come back to Islam after abandoning the prayers when i don't have the remorse Assim Al Hakeem
Whoever abandons Salah is a kafir so how to enter Islam again, take Shahada or start praying again?
What to do if you intentionally didn't pray all your obligatory prayers?
Punishment for people who miss a prayer without valid reason, is it considered as kufr Assimalhakeem
If Muslim commits kufr & wants to revert, must he say shahadah publicly or privately assim al hakeem
If I make a vow to Allah & break it several times, how many expiations must I make? Assim al hakeem
What if someone whom I have wronged doesn't want to forgive me? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Committed apostasy, must I make ghusl & say shahadah to enter Islam? What about a new revert? Assim
Used to be good in prayers but now feel lazy & lack concentration, how to fix this? Assim al hakeem
According to concensus, if a person stops praying (even a single prayer) is he kafir assim al hakeem
What if we repent and Sin again? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem